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About Us

Novi Survat Goa is a not for profit children’s palliative/supportive care organisation registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 bearing the REG. NO: 334/GOA/2019 and Directorate of Social Welfare, Government of Goa bearing the Sr. No DSW/REG/CERT/08/2021-2022. The organization is registered under 12AA and 80G of Income Tax Act 1961.

The organization focuses on the enhancement of the quality of life of families having children with chronic diseases/disabilities through various therapeutic modalities along with neuromotor rehabilitation and providing relief from pain and other symptoms, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of care. This is done through a multi-disciplinary team of professionals providing centre based and home care while also networking with Government and non-government organizations and institutions.



  • Early identification of supportive care
  • Early intervention for children at risk for developing developmental delays through physiotherapy and when indicated speech, visual, behavioral and other forms of specific therapy
  • Recreational therapy to improve or maintain cognitive, social, emotional and spiritual functioning in order to optimize participation in activities of daily living
  • Training and advocacy of the stakeholders
  • Home based and community based rehabilitation




Novi Survat’s physiotherapy unit was established to provide holistic services to the physically and multiply challenged children. The center provides one-hour individual. Physiotherapy sessions on a regular basis, for at least two times a week. There is a team of two fully trained physiotherapists who are presently working from Monday through Friday.
Aqua therapy has been included in the therapy sessions for selected patients since December 2023.
The staff also includes a driver and a house keeping assistant. Free transport for all registered patients is provided from designated selected pick up and drop points. Patients are referred for physiotherapy from institutions like Sanjay school, the Pediatric Neurorehab Centre, GMC, DEIC/ North Goa District Hospital and NGOs like SETHU.
The unit is a non-profit unit and affording patients donate voluntarily whenever able.Unaffording patients are given services free of charge.

Recreational & Occupational Therapy

The unit provides comprehensive care to the children already undergoing physiotherapy. These children have variable needs that require recreational therapy, sensory stimulation, speech therapy, occupational therapy, play therapy and special education. As they grow older, the children are trained for activities of daily living (ADL), self-help skills, optimization of their abilities and thereafter an individualized program is planned for appropriate training for self-employment, independent or assisted living. The aim of Recreational and Occupational Therapy is to IMPROVE the OVERALL QUALITY of LIFE through the foregoing activities.


Children’s Supportive Care was initiated in June 2019. The aim is to reduce the burden and agony of families having children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. Referrals are sent by the department of Paediatrics, the Paediatric Neuro Rehab Centre, and Ddepartment of Oncology of Goa Medical college. District Hospitals of North and South Goa, PHCs, NGOs and community. Home visits are mandatory and home care is assured wherever necessary. Follow up is ensured through priority-based home visits and or fortnightly telephonic calls. The home care team comprises a doctor, nurse, counsellor and social worker. We have two teams operating, one each for north and south Goa. Hospital visits for hospitalized patients, end of life care and support and bereavement counseling is being provided by the home care teams. Provision is made for purchase of suction machines, AFOs, assistive devices like wheelchairs, consumables like pampers/medications/ nutritional supplements and transport allowance for hospital visits. In-house psycho-social support is being given to children from Asro Tivim.

In January 2023, Novi Survat Goa began OPD and IPD services in South Goa District Hospital. Home care services continue to all registered patients in need of home care. In September 2023, Home based Physiotherapy services were added to the home care